Tonight I am leading a seminar on
Eagleman's book. I found it devilishly hard to keep the stories straight,
so I made the following list of chapters and their ideas and a few possible avenues for our discussion. The first statement, I think therefore SUM, is not part of the book, but is a notion that "I think" is in play throughout the book.
I think therefore SUM
1 Sum: 14 minutes of pure joy? In a whole lifetime?
2. Egalitaire: Do we really want true equality?
3. Circle of Friends: How having friends can make us lonely?
4. Descent of Species: What is it like to be a horse?
5. Giantess: Meaning depends on scale
6. Mary: Has Dr. God lost control of his creation
7. The Cast: You never catch up with your dreaming
8. Metamorphosis: When your name is spoken for the last time
9. Missing: God is a couple in need of marriage counseling
10. Spirals: Do you have answer?
11. Scales: Man, a cancerous growth in the divine being
12. Adhesion: Can we quantify relationships?
13. Angst: A quest for meaninglessness
14. Oz: Who is brave enough to see the face behind the face?
15. Great Expectations: Will an exact replica of your brain reproduce what it like to be you?
16. Mirrors: What finally kills you
17. Perpetuity: Only the good die, the rest of us live on in perpetuity
18. The Unnatural: A cure for death
19. Distance: God keeps his distance from us for our own benefit – otherwise . . . .
20. Reins: God’s obsolescence
21. Microbe: God is unaware of our existence.
22. Absence: New religious wars
23. Will-o’-the-Wisp: Blessed ignorance of the future
24. Incentive: The best actors play the role of the uninitiated beneficiary
25. Death Switch: Virtual life after life
26. Encore: Am I a simulation?
27. Prism: Self Reunions
28. Ineffable: emergent afterlives
29. Pantheon: The gods love us because we are as self-involved as they are
30. Impulse: an anomalous algorithm
31. Quantum: all possibilities exist at once sort of like when . . . . . .
32. Conservation: A tale told by a lonely quark
33. Narcissus: A device that only takes pictures of itself
34. Seed: Accidents happen all the time
35. Graveyard of the Gods: a fellowship of abandonment
36. Apostasy: a heaven of unbelieving believers
37. Blueprints: Knowledge never substitutes for experience
38. Subjunctive: your would haves, should have beens come back to haunt you
39. Search: The atoms that once were me search for meaning in limitlessness
40. Reversal: Living your life backwards undermines the narrative of your life
Do not these stories lead to the conclusion we are already dead?
Is eternal boredom worse than death?
It’s not so great to be God.
Consciousness is a narrative.
All reality is virtual.
Don’t we know that there is no afterlife, all other alternatives being (just) stories?