Go then,
if you must,
and contrive
a night so cold
that only the mind
alone could love.
Set there,
if you must,
a fire beyond the stars
from which no light
shall come,
if you must,
and contrive
a night so cold
that only the mind
alone could love.
Set there,
if you must,
a fire beyond the stars
from which no light
shall come,
where we are blind
to all we love:
no angel eyes,
no stolen glances,
no hand to hold,
no lips, no breast
or fall of hair,
no foolish blush
of desire.
Go, if you must,
but leave me here
Where to touch
is to burn and see
with the body's fire.
to all we love:
no angel eyes,
no stolen glances,
no hand to hold,
no lips, no breast
or fall of hair,
no foolish blush
of desire.
Go, if you must,
but leave me here
Where to touch
is to burn and see
with the body's fire.