Dūrum Cārumque Cor Rērum
Hīc sunt manūs sanguine ātrō flentēs,
tamquam argentum in membrīs nostrīs fluat;
hīc est dūrum cor rērum et animus avāritiā torquētur;
hīc ventus in antrō vastō vānōque ululat;
hīc quoque ūna manus cāra aliam quaerit;
longē sōl lūnam bāsiat et astra gaudent.
The Hard and Loving Heart of Things
Here are hands weeping with dark blood, just so silver flows in our limbs;
Here is the hard heart of things and the soul twisted by greed;
Here the wind howls in a vast and empty cave;
Here too one dear hand seeks another;
from afar the sun kisses the moon
and the stars rejoice.