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David Chalmers: Fragments of consciousness

The New York Review of Books

Poetry 180


Latin Verses



Dona mirabilissima numquam sunt mirabiliora dantibus ipsis.

The most marvelous gifts
are never more wondrous
than the givers themselves.


Errores sunt flores, expectantes florescere.

Errors are flowers,
waiting to bloom.


In libra rerum lacrimae gravius auro pendunt.

In the balance of things
tears weigh more than gold.


Mūsa Sepulta 

Hīc poētae omnibus incognitī
iacent sine nomine aut ullā voce
suī. Avēs ā marī vēnērunt
cantantque dē itinere longō
nāviculīsque sē hūc ferentibus.

The Buried Muse

Here poets unknown to all lie
without a name or any voice of their own.
The birds have come from the sea and sing
of the long journey and the little boats
that brought them here.